Tuesday, September 28, 2010

hey hey Walter's World is all Wet!

Walter (my little white faced Boston Terrier) likes to sit on our boat, on it's little floating dock, we were enjoying a moment of pretending the great big ocean was in front of us, then back to dry dock. As I swung him over to solid wood, he swung himself around and caused me to lose my balance, in very slow motion the next 5 seconds went like this " oh no i have to push us away from this dock so we don't hit our heads and drown as we fall into the canal and now under water." As I came up soaking wet and bleeding from several cuts and scrapes I feared for my little guy, did he fall under the dock and where was he? I started to panic! Not to worry my little pup was up the bank and over to the neighbors begging to be picked up, swearing his mother was trying to drown him. As I clamored on to dry land and up the bank, my neighbor met me, "are you alright he inquired quite concerned?". I assured him a few scratches and shells in my hair were not the worst, as long as Walter and I weren't terribly hurt. That is when I noticed he was trying not to laugh. It Dawned on me that Walter and I sliding over the boat and in to the drink was probably a very funny picture. Too bad we didn't have one. lol

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Walter's World

Walter (my little white faced Boston Terrier) and I took a walk the other night down a beautiful Florida road. As we strolled a giant bird landed in a tall pine ahead of us. I stopped and gasped! It was the biggest, most beautiful Bard owl I had ever seen, perched like a statue on top of the swaying tree. I really like owls and stood watching for a long time. I thought getting a picture would be great so I made a whooing noise to get it to look down.
By this time Walter was dragging my arm down the road, I followed when I heard him growl "owl snack". Guess I have to look at life from Walter's world sometimes.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Tuesday and the Sunrise

I am starting Tuesday - feels magnificent as I watch the sunrise. If you don't have a sunrise happening outside; close your eyes and see one.
Life is always better with sunrise don't you think?
Morning World - Have a great day!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Take a Deep Breath and Do It!

Every day I try to set a goal that I can accomplish in 24 hours or maybe 19 because I like to sleep in.
The point is I pick something that will satisfy my day. Then I take a deep breath and Jump In.
Excitement, refreshing, all kinds of wonderful emotions are experienced just from the one decision to achieve a goal.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Guess what I forgot?

This is too funny, I forgot to blog! I have been enjoying the rest of the worlds posts and soaking up some great things. Have started to seriously get involved with keeping the beaches and shores of our Gulf clean.
Thought about blogging about it and presto I already have one. lol, thank you google I am back.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

it is almost Wednesday why is this important

because Tuesday was a long day with lumps and bumps but the sunset was wonderful, my weary muscles are resting and here comes Wednesday, important because it is another shot at what i want, come on with me, suck it up and go for it, have the best Wednesday ever.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

April is the month to get it growing

I like the smell of spring, hope and tulips are ready to bloom, lift the spirits and start a new season.
what path are you traveling today? One that carries the winter dust of last month or a new fresh one that has the green of new life? Flowers like thoughts; poised to pop open at the perfect moment.
Get outside and enjoy a nice fresh day.

yeaaaa spring, we are going to ignore gnats, mosquitoes and mud for today

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

are you doing it all

i have about 14 different plans right now to obtain my first million dollars, the trouble is i am so interested in doing it all, that i have spread myself thin and forgot about the goal at the end of the rainbow.

do you do this? get so wrapped up in the many different things coming your way, you forget what the plan was in the beginning?
I have a friend who every day asks me what the next big thing is so we can get our first million.
I am researching and thinking, I get up every morning and feel like a kid in a candy store, there is always so much to choose from.

If anyone has a good money making idea that will make me a million quick, let me know because i need to focus on something.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Health Care Rock and a Hard Place

Here I am having to practice what I preach, we are in a jam, a pickle, the proverbial rock and a hard place. Letting our health insurance lapse for more than 63 days last year has put us in this tricky situation. Now we are balancing my husbands needed surgery along with heart caths and Dr's appointments in a race to get everything done in one month before our temp insurance runs out. Except his bp keeps elevating and the Dr won't release him for the surgery, I keep telling him to be calm so his blood pressure doesn't rise and we can get all this done in the time frame.
We have coverage the following month but the government law reads we have to wait 6 months before pre existing conditions are covered but we have to pay for the coverage anyway but I am taking a lot of time off from work so we can try to pack it all into one month.

We are going to suck it up, be healthier and pay through the nose for a policy that won't cover what we need to stay healthy.
Can someone explain how we do all this? How do people not working pay for health ins. how is America really coping with health care.